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A White Sox servant returned to work after 23 years of undue jail time

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Baseball White Sox took back a job from a former employee who spent the last 23 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. About the unbelievable story of 49-year-old Nevest, Coleman first told The Chicago Tribune, who cited sources from the Illinois Prosecutor`s Office. In 1994, Coleman was accused of raping and killing a 20-year-old woman in Englewood. The victim`s body was found in a basement near his home in southern Chicago, and the white-socks stadium`s support worker was sentenced to life imprisonment. Initially, the 26-year-old Bride signed a confession, but later denied them.

More than two decades later, new DNA research studies directed the investigators into a serial rapist, and in November 2017 Coleman was released from prison. At the beginning of March, Cook`s County Court issued him a certificate of innocence, and all charges of rape and murder were removed from his file. After his release, Neves Coleman`s friends and family have contacted the Chicago White Sox and begged the club analyzed by baseball rules to reinstate the unjustly convicted former employee. The bosses schedule an interview and quickly redeem it from March 26, 2018.

So, yesterday, Coleman returned to the stadium, which, when he last locked up, was called Comics Park, and now has his second corporate name;`Garanthyed Rain Field`. After a heartfelt encounter with a large part of his former colleagues, Nevest immediately put on a waterproof yellow overcoat and went to wash the sidewalk around the entrances. `` I remember leaving my work, and the next thing I remember is that I could not see the streets anymore, that`s all I know, `said Nevest Coleman back in time, ` The past is pastThere was no anger, suffering, helplessness When I was inside, I was desperate, but now I have support from everyone I love.

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